Rowana Miller is an author whose debut novel, YA thriller Secrets of the Blue Hand Girls, is forthcoming this fall from Sourcebooks Fire. She is represented by Amelia Appel of TriadaUS Literary Agency.
Rowana writes about riddles, goblins, secrets, strange girls, and mischief. She is also the founder and Executive Director of Cosmic Writers, a nonprofit that provides creative writing education for kids and teenagers. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she lives in New York City with her fiancée, Penelope, and two cats, Alice and Jabberwocky.
As a side quest, Rowana assists fictional necronewt Groxylzik with a Substack-based advice column for magical creatures. If you’d like to keep up with the issues of the supernatural beings who occupy the underbelly of New York, subscribe here.
Contact Rowana at